SPIEL 2017 Berichterstattung: Eure Themenwünsche?

  • Also mich interessieren weder Kleinverlage noch exotisches Gedöns. Ich habe nur einen Wunsch an @ravn:
    Versuch doch bitte herauszufinden wann die Erweiterung zu GWT kommt und was diese beinhaltet.
    Ich weiß: Laaaangweilig für manche. Für mich ist das jedoch das interessanteste überhaupt.

    Ach so, noch was: Was wird denn aus der geplanten Erweiterung zu #Railroad Revolution???

  • Ach so, noch was: Was wird denn aus der geplanten Erweiterung zu #Railroad Revolution???

    The expansion consists of several independent modules, that can also be combined together. They change the gameplay feeling in every game’s aspect.
    Unfortunately it won’t be available for sale at Essen, but we are working hard to have a complete prototype to try there.
    There will be a module in which players compete to take Land Grants along the rail network.
    A module that radically alters the Performance Track and makes the gameplay more interactive.
    Another module that allows the player to increase the skills of his workers.
    A module that spice up the Deals, introducing a train that moves along the tracks.
    Another one that includes new pieces to be placed on the map.
    A module in which players will have to face the powerful Rail Baron, a fearsome opponent that will hinder players' strategies.
    And finally a module to play solo.
    Quelle: New expansion with five modules? | Railroad Revolution | BoardGameGeek